Chapter 4 Page 11
i went to get coffee and a scone with my mother today, asked the lady for a cappuccino and saw her write on the ticket cappuccino. So i go to pay with the other lady:
Her: You’re aware this isnt a cream tea right?
Me: Huh? I mean, it looks like a cappuccino? Is it?
Her: yeah its not a cream tea, you get that right?
*me staring at the ticket on my plate with cappuccino written on it*
Me: yeah? i asked for a cappuccino
Her: just checking you didnt ask for the cream tea and its definitely not that right?
Me: its definitely a cappuccino right?
Her: i was just checking its not a cream tea which you didnt want
*just taps my card to end the conversation*
anyway i sat down and googled it and realised she was asking me if i wanted tea, like lol what.
this has nothing to do with the comic but i wanted to remember it.
Zeki’s not here for your friendship waffling, Rachel.
re: the cream tea thing, occurrences like that always leave me wondering what happened in the past to make this person act like that. Whatever it was, I bet it was funny.
Zeki likes to get straight to the point haha
It was just bizarre that she didnt explain herself or answer me lmao, it honestly just left me baffled more than anything