Chapter 2 Page 4
on December 30, 2017
at 12:30 PM
and modified on December 30, 2017. at 5:30 AM
Chapter: Chapter 2
Characters: fuerte, leon coonigan, raccoon girl, rachel coonigan, the red panda, trash, zeki anderson
We start to learn more about the pesky Coonigan past…Leon already called Rachel’s story a fake so prepare for the stone cold truth!
When I first started reading this I was expecting this was going to be more like z kid pretending to be a super hero and accidently getting caught up in real crimes then I find out more and more that supers are an actual thing and people just have powers man this is fun to read
I’m glad you’re enjoying the comic! But yes in Rachel’s powerless/lower class powers school she doesn’t get to interact much with the hero world so its fun to let people see it with her when she does.
My daughter (about to turn 7) is obsessed with raccoons and superheroes, so one day while innocently googling “raccoon girl” (she was envisoning a superhero who was half raccoon, half girl) we found your webcomic. Now she and her two older brothers love your comic and eagerly await each new page. My daughters birthday is coming up and she requested a “Raccoon Girl themed party” – then she specified “the webcomic”. She wants her guests to portray different characters from your comic. She even named her stuffed sloth Scott, and her brother made Lego minifigures of Rachel, Leon, Zeki, and Trash. I can’t make this stuff up. So, just know that you have some very enthusiastic young fans in Texas. (Don’t worry, the racier bits go riiiiight over their heads.)
I genuinely have no idea even how to respond, this is so precious it made me tear up a bit. I feel anything I say won’t express my gratitude for your families readership! But if your daughters birthday still hasn’t passed I’ll happily draw her a birthday picture. I’ll post it on the RG tumblr on her birthday if you can see the tumblr (tends to not allow people to view blogs sometimes) or if you can’t I’ll link it through imgur or something like that. But honestly thank your kids for me for reading and I hope they enjoy where the story continues to go!
Oh my goodness she would be thrilled! That’s very sweet of you to offer. Her birthday is Saturday the 6th and her name is Miriam.
Oh very close! Does she have a specific favourite character?
Her favorite characters are Trash and Rachel naturally (the raccoon and the girl)! Of course you shouldn’t feel any pressure, this is a seven year old we’re talking about — an old picture recycled with “Happy birthday Miriam” for a caption will elicit the same response as anything elaborate. And if you’re too busy then no worries, I just wanted you to know that we love the comic.
Haha no it’s completely fine, I just wanted to double check before i shunned a favourite! But it’s all good I’m ahead of my page schedule currently so I have plenty of time to fit this in.
Well it’s done! Wish her a very happy birthday from me and you can find it below the most recent page or on the tumblr post .
holy shit dude i love your comic
Aw man, you’re too sweet. Thank you for reading and enjoying the comic! Your kind words keep me going~!
Their dad was a superhero!!!